Non-Surgical Hair Restoration
Men's Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Raleigh, NC | Non-Surgical Hair Replacement
In the past, men’s non-surgical hair replacement was limited to hair transplantation surgery. However, thankfully, treatments have come a long way and there are now several non-surgical hair restoration methods available. Non-surgical hair restoration is less invasive, involves little to no downtime, and can help slow the progression of hair loss. Several techniques exist including injectables, low level laser therapies, and topical medications. The Jindal Institute for Youthful Aging offers the best non-surgical hair restoration Raleigh provides.
Why Non-Surgical Hair Restoration?
Non-surgical hair restoration procedures are generally a precursor or additional treatment to hair transplant surgery, which remains an effective way to treat hair loss. It can help overall slow and prolong the hair loss process, as well as increase the growth of hairs that are beginning to “turn off” and stop growing. Often, patients will combine multiple methods to see the best results.
Men and women both experience hair loss, though men are more likely to experience hair loss earlier in life than women. Some men may see a noticeable loss in their late teens or early twenties. While these are the more extreme cases, they are not that uncommon. Women may experience hair loss around the time of menopause or due to hormonal issues. Genetic hair loss can occur in women, but it looks much different than in men.
History Of Non-Surgical Hair Replacement
Before medical advancement, people who lost their hair often had to hide it rather than treating it. Wigs and toupes were high commodities and part of everyday dress for people wanting to hide hair loss. Of course, there were many touted treatments that modern medicine shows were ultimately ineffective.
Hair transplant was the first to develop and the initial results were not that natural. However, today, hair transplant surgery can provide extremely natural looking results and no longer create the “hair plug” look associated with early hair transplants. In the following decades, doctors made non-surgical advancements with medications and injections becoming standard practice for non-surgical hair restoration.
Causes Of Men’s Hair Loss
Hair loss can have many causes. Some hair loss may be temporarily caused due to an injury or medical condition. Once treated and healed from men’s non-surgical hair loss treatment, the hair often comes back. For example, lacerations on the head or cancer treatment can cause temporary hair loss. Other forms of hair loss are more chronic and require specialized treatment to slow and reverse hair loss.
- Genetic predisposition (male and female pattern baldness)
- Alopecia areata
- Certain medications or treatments
- Injuries
- Hormonal changes
- Aging
- Certain skin conditions that may affect the scalp
- Stress
- High tension hairstyles

Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Raleigh Options
Dr. Jindal offers a variety of non-surgical options for hair restoration in Raleigh. During a consultation, he will evaluate the cause and pattern of your hair loss to create a customized treatment plan to treat your hair loss and slow thinning hair.
Two medications—one in topical form and one in pill form—exist to treat genetic and male-pattern hair loss. The topical medication, minoxidil, is suitable for both men and women. It is applied to the scalp either as a shampoo or as a liquid or foam every day. The pill medication, finasteride, is only for men and is taken daily.
Both of these medications have been used for over two decades and are great options for treating hair loss. It is common to use them in conjunction with other non-surgical methods.
There are multiple other compounded, custom formulations for hair loss that can be created specifically for you by Dr. Jindal based on your consultation with him.
Low Level Light Therapy
Low level light therapy—also sometimes called laser therapy—uses low level lasers to stimulate hair growth. You can find this in the form of caps worn for a few minutes each day. A prescription is not usually necessary, but if this is a form of hair restoration you are interested in, Dr. Jindal can help you find the right option for you.
PRP Hair Restoration
Platelet rich plasma, or PRP, uses the naturally occurring platelets in your blood to create an immune response on the scalp. This helps repair hormone damaged hair follicles. Consisting of a blood draw, spinning of the blood to separate the platelets and plasma, and finally a series of shallow injections into the scalp.
PRP hair restoration usually requires multiple sessions to upkeep the collagen response. Depending on the extent of hair loss and scalp condition, patients may undergo anywhere from four to eight initial sessions. After this first round of treatment, Dr. Jindal may recommend one or two yearly PRP therapy treatments to maintain results and help them last as long as possible.
PRF Hair Restoration
The newest generation of platelet rich plasma, platelet rich fibrin is a protein that helps in blood clotting and healing. Compared to plasma, fibrin contains more growth factors and white blood cells that allow it to better adhere to the scalp and treatment areas. Otherwise, the treatment is the same as PRP hair restoration.
PRF hair restoration requires less blood than PRP and no anticoagulant is added like with PRP. Many patients may see better results with platelet rich fibrin, though it is an individualized procedure.
Nanofat Stem Cell Hair Restoration
Nanofat stem cell hair restoration uses fat harvested from the patient and breaks it down into a stem cell serum that is injected into the scalp. Body fat holds many natural growth factors that can help promote improved hair growth. While it does require a small amount of liposuction, patients do not need to be placed under general anesthesia.
The fat is then miniaturized and broken down so that only the beneficial material is left behind. The traditional fat cells are either gone or broken down so much that they do not take root in the injection site.
Non-Treatment Cosmetic Options
Like in the history of hair restoration, some options work to disguise hair loss rather than treat it. Micropigmentation of the scalp can give the illusion of a short buzz cut. This can look like natural hair and requires little maintenance beyond occasional touch-up sessions. Micropigmentation is similar to microblading for the brows. This usually does not induce more hair growth, but in some situations may promote some mild growth.
Microneedling can also sometimes help hair grow by inducing a collagen and healing response. However, it is generally not considered as effective as PRP, PRF, or nanofat stem cell injections.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Last?
Non-surgical hair restoration cannot permanently restore hair. As long as the factors causing your hair loss are still present, then you will continue to lose hair regardless of treatment. The only mostly permanent solution is hair transplant surgery because it transfers hairs not susceptible to hormones.
However, with that said, non-surgical hair restoration methods can provide long lasting results that slow the rate of loss significantly. For example, with regular upkeep, many patients may keep their hair for several years before needing a more extensive procedure. Some with mild hair loss may never need surgery to treat their hair loss as long as they keep up with their non-surgical treatments.
Are Men's Non Surgical Hair Replacement Treatments Painful?
Generally, no, with all non-surgical hair restoration Raleigh, there is either no or little pain involved. Injectable procedures use local injections and/or numbing cream to numb the treated areas to limit pain and discomfort.
What Is The Difference In Genetic Hair Loss Patterns In Men & Women?
Male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness are caused by a genetic predisposition to hair loss. Often, this has to do with elevated dihydrotestosterone levels or other male hormones, known as androgens, that damage the hair follicles over time to render them unable to produce or support hair growth. Many hair restoration options work to reverse and slow this damage.
In men, genetic hair loss is often first seen along the hairline and top of the head. If left untreated, it will often result in full baldness on the top of the head and potentially total baldness. In women, genetic hair loss appears around the part of the hair where it stretches out in a Christmas tree like pattern. This is often more subtle and harder to spot because it is on the top of the head. However, this thinning can become more visible and lead to a woman having less hair all around.
Can A Completely Bald Person See Results From Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Treatments?
It depends, but, usually, no. Once total baldness occurs, it is generally too late for a medical treatment to restore hair.. While this is not always the case, such as with cancer treatment which will allow hair to grow back once stopped, in cases where it is genetic or due to alopecia, non-surgical hair loss treatment is generally not going to help.
Will Nanofat Hair Restoration Distort The Shape Of The Head?

The Best Men’s Non-Surgical Hair Restoration In Raleigh At JIYA
The Jindal Institute for Youthful Aging focuses on holistic cosmetic treatments to treat and prevent the signs of aging, including hair loss. While providing the traditional hair loss treatments, Dr. Jindal also uses cutting edge technology and procedures such as nanofat stem cell injections to treat hair loss in men and women. The Jindal Institute for Youthful Aging provides the best non-surgical hair restoration Raleigh offers.
Dr. Sumeet Jindal is an experienced and skillful oculoplastic surgeon who performs both surgical and non-surgical anti-aging procedures. When it comes to treating hair loss, he is trained in all major hair restoration techniques and holistically evaluates each patient to recommend the ideal hair loss solution for their needs.
To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at (919) 929-6006. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator or contact form.