Platelet Rich Fibrin Facial

Platelet Rich Fibrin Facial Raleigh | PRF Facial in Raleigh, NC

Facials are one of the treatments we use to pamper ourselves and treat ourselves. Though, some medical-grade facials are less about pampering and focus on skin rejuvenation. This could include treatments such as chemical peels and microneedling. New forms of facials continue to emerge as doctors discover innovative ways to rejuvenate the skin. One of these is the PRF facial. The Jindal Institute for Youthful Aging provides the best PRF facial Raleigh offers.

PRF “Vampire” Facial Overview

In the last few years talk about the so-called “Vampire facial” have spread due to increased popularity among celebrities. The images after the facial can be shocking with the face looking bloody and red. However, it is not a violent treatment and is often extremely effective. Dr. Jindal is among the first to offer a new evolution of the “Vampire facial.”

The facial originally used platelet rich plasma, or PRP. Rich in blood platelets, this helped stimulate healing, regeneration, and rejuvenation of the skin. Still commonly performed, it is highly effective at treating a variety of skin conditions and concerns. Platelet rich fibrin will likely become more popularly used during the facial because it contains more growth factors and beneficial cells than PRP.

Otherwise, the facial looks similar in execution and result. However, many believe that PRF treatment provides better and sometimes quicker results. Early studies are confirming this and so many providers will likely start transitioning to the use of PRF in the “Vampire facial.”

About Platelet Rich Fibrin

Fibrin is a protein found in blood plasma. Like platelets, it is helpful in blood clotting and wound healing. When spun down in a centrifuge, the fibrin holds onto the stem cells and white blood cells present in it. In contrast, these cells all sink to the bottom when creating PRP because it spins much faster.

As the name implies, PRF is also especially rich in blood platelets. This helps it efficiently and effectively build scaffolding to improve the look and quality of your skin. Platelet rich fibrin contains up to ten times the growth factors as normal blood while PRP only contains up to five times.


A PRF facial offers many benefits to patients wanting to look younger and improve their skin. Some of the benefits of a platelet rich fibrin facial include:

  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Increase collagen production
  • Boosts cell turnover
  • Treat sun damage
  • Help tighten skin
  • Reduce the appearance of surgical or acne scars
  • Help treat discoloration
  • Lighten stretch marks
  • Promote firmer skin
  • Improve skin texture
  • Evener skin tone
  • Help your skin retain more moisture and your skincare products may become more effective
  • Address hollowing skin
  • Quick treatment
  • Not overly painful
  • No downtime
  • Mild side effects
  • Safe and effective
  • Little prep required
  • Performed by an oculoplastic surgeon with years of experience
Platelet Rich Fibrin Facial Raleigh

PRF Facial vs. PRF Microneedling

Looking at the nitty-gritty of the PRF facial, it likely sounds exactly the same as PRF microneedling. The two treatments are especially similar, but the key difference is when the platelet rich fibrin is applied and sometimes how. The table below features some of the major differences.
RPF Facial

  • May use injections
  • Spreads the PRF on the face after microneedling
  • Typically treats the whole face
  • Quicker
  • Needles moving quicker
  • Does not penetrate as deep
RPF Facial

  • May use injections
  • Spreads the PRF on the face after microneedling
  • Typically treats the whole face
  • Quicker
  • Needles moving quicker
  • Does not penetrate as deep

The treatments themselves are essentially the same with small differences that make the PRF facial better for beginners. It is a great precursor to undergoing a much more intense PRF microneedling procedure.

From Start To Finish: A Platelet Rich Fibrin Facial


In a consultation appointment with Dr. Jindal, you will discuss your skin concerns and goals. This will help him get an understanding of your expectations and what treatments may be ideal to address your concerns. From there, Dr. Jindal will ask about your medical history and lifestyle. This may include medications you take, if you smoke, and conditions you have. The last step is that Dr. Jindal will perform a physical exam of the treatment area.

If Dr. Jindal concludes that you are a good candidate, he will continue to describe the procedure in-depth and in some cases, you may be able to undergo the procedure at the same appointment. Otherwise, if Dr. Jindal thinks another treatment will provide better results he may advise against a platelet rich fibrin facial.

The Facial Process

When you are in the office, the first steps for a PRF facial are to remove any makeup, thoroughly cleanse the face, apply numbing cream, and take a blood sample. Usually, less blood is needed to extract platelet rich fibrin than PRP. As you numb, the blood sample will spin in the centrifuge to separate the plasma and fibrin from the rest of the blood components.

Once done, Dr. Jindal will wipe away the numbing cream and disinfect the treatment areas. Then, he will use a microneedling device with fast moving needles to create small micro-injuries in the skin. This can take as little as five to ten minutes. Dr. Jindal will then apply the PRF. Usually, some red blood cells do end up in the fibrin which gives the face its signature redness following the treatment.

Sometimes injections of PRF are also administered to help tighten the lower levels of the skin and fill in facial hollows like the under eyes. The results will take about ten days to two weeks to fully resolve.


Following your Raleigh PRF facial, you will likely notice some redness. Over the next few days, some swelling, tightness, skin peeling, and continued redness may occur. In rare cases, bruising can happen. Dr. Jindal may give you some instructions such as:

  • Stay out of the sun as much as possible
  • Wear a hat
  • Avoid strenuous activities for one to two days
  • Keep your face well moisturized
  • Use only a gentle cleanser
  • Do not touch the area and sleep on your back

Frequently Asked Questions

Most patients can safely undergo a PRF facial every four to six weeks. Though, depending on your skin type and concerns, you may initially spread the treatments out in shorter or longer intervals. After you undergo an initial round of treatments—typically three to four sessions—treatments can be spread out more. Often, two to four treatments a year are advised.
You are sufficiently numbed before treatment. However, there is still some pain associated with the procedure. Since a PRF facial is quick and numbing cream applied, most people do not feel intense pain and tolerate it without issue.
The redness often completely fades away within one to three days. This will vary between patients and Dr. Jindal can advise you on what to expect based on your skin type and other factors in a consultation.
Yes, platelet rich fibrin is considered safe. Since it comes from the patient’s body, there is little to no risk of rejection or allergic reaction. The risks are comparable to platelet rich plasma and other similar procedures. Since fibrin clots, it does have a small risk of causing occlusion like dermal fillers. However, this is exceptionally unlikely with a PRF facial because it is not penetrating deep enough into the skin. When creating PRP, an anticoagulant is added. It is possible to react to this. Therefore, for people who have concerns about an allergic reaction, PRF may be a better bet than PRP.

A PRF facial is suitable for most people. However, it is a medical procedure and thus not suitable for every patient. People who should use caution before getting a platelet rich fibrin facial include:

  • Those with bleeding disorders
  • Anyone with other blood-related diseases
  • People who take blood thinners that they cannot temporarily discontinue
  • Those with an extremely compromised immune system
  • Anyone with an active injury, lesion, or laceration in the treatment areas
  • People who are pregnant or breastfeeding
Platelet rich fibrin is a powerful treatment that is safe for most. However, it is important to tell Dr. Jindal all of your relevant medical history so that he can create the best and safest treatment plan customized for you.

The Best PRF Facial In Raleigh

The Jindal Institute for Youthful Aging focuses on holistic and regenerative cosmetic treatments to treat and prevent aging. Regenerative medicine is constantly changing and improving and the PRF facial is one of the latest innovations. The Jindal Institute for Youthful Aging offers the best platelet rich fibrin facial Raleigh provides.

Dr. Sumeet Jindal is an experienced and skillful oculoplastic surgeon who performs both surgical and non-surgical anti-aging procedures. The PRF facial is great for treating aging as well as preventing it. Adult patients of any age can find skin benefits from a PRF facial.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at (919) 929-6006. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator or contact form.