Hair Transplant, PRP

What Are The Benefits Of PRP With Biotin?

PRP with biotin is an incredible solution to thinning hair, especially in the early stages of balding. While this treatment is not FDA-approved, decades of studies have shown the proven benefits that PRP and biotin injections can provide for hair restoration. However, many are confused about the treatment and how it can restore hair follicles to their original strength and structure. 

Understanding PRP With Biotin Injections 

Biotin PRP is an innovative solution to hair loss and baldness that can restore hair growth and create a full head of hair. PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is a natural treatment that stems from our own blood cells. The red blood cells are drawn from the patient’s own blood and separated through a centrifuge. The healing plasma is reinjected into the patient’s scalp to stimulate hair growth. 


Alone, PRP is a great way to stimulate hair growth, but when combined with biotin, the effects can significantly increase. Biotin contains vitamin B7, an essential vitamin that increases keratin production. Keratin is a protein found in hair follicles that nourishes the makeup of the hair and increases strength and volume. By combining PRP with biotin, patients can experience incredible benefits in their hair restoration journey.

Benefits Of Biotin PRP Hair Restoration 

There are tremendous benefits of biotin PRP for those struggling to restore their hair. PRP with biotin injections can not only stimulate hair growth but can improve the structure and strength of your hair. Benefits of this treatment include:


  • Stimulates Hair Growth: The use of PRP and biotin stimulates hair growth while providing the essential nutrients for the hair follicles to increase their production. PRP alone can activate hair follicles, while the biotin holds essential nutrients to stimulate hair growth further.
  • Stronger & Healthier Hair: PRP and biotin combined can create stronger and healthier hair for every patient. Biotin PRP targets the root of the problem and provides essential nutrients to develop healthy hair before it grows. By using the healing qualities of PRP with the nourishment from biotin, patients can restore their hair quality from within. 
  • Natural & Non-Invasive Treatment: PRP with biotin injections is entirely natural as the PRP is created from the patient’s blood, and biotin naturally occurs in the body. Additionally, the treatment is minimally invasive than other hair restoration treatments like hair transplants. The downtime is minimal, and the treatment allows patients to return to their daily lives without issue.
  • Increased Longevity: After the initial sessions, a yearly maintenance treatment can help patients experience the results for a long time. This means that the minimal treatment of PRP with biotin can create hair restoration with increased longevity and incredible results. 


At JIYA Cosmetics, Dr. Sumeet Jindal is the leading provider of groundbreaking hair restoration treatments and provides incredible PRP with biotin injections for all patients. His experience and dedication to his patients allow him to create individual plans for every patient. PRP with biotin injections can create increased hair growth and provide strong and healthy hair through natural means.

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Dr. Sumeet Jindal
Dr. Jindal is a board certified surgeon who offers surgical and non-surgical cosmetic services in Raleigh, North Carolina.
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